MasterCard and Blockchain- The Future of Payments

A world where money moves faster, safer, and in entirely new ways is no longer merely a dream! That is the potential of blockchain technology, and companies like MasterCard are taking notice. MasterCard is actively exploring how blockchain can change the financial game. One way they are doing this is by working with innovative startups through their Start Path program. This program focuses on blockchain and digital assets, and it just welcomed five new companies to help explore the exciting possibilities of this technology.

The MasterCard’s Start Path Program

Launched in 2014, MasterCard’s Start Path program is a fintech accelerator program designed to promote innovation. This specific program centers on blockchain and digital asset, with an aim to explore new use cases and develop solutions in collaboration with promising startups.

The program offers several benefits to participating startups:

Collaboration- MasterCard connects startups with industry professionals and other FinTech companies, facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Customized training- Startups receive tailored training programs to help them grow and refine their offerings.

Access to resources- MasterCard grants participants access to its wide network of customers and distribution channels, thereby accelerating market reach.

This four-month program has supported over 400 startups across 54 countries since its inception, highlighting MasterCard’s focus on innovation in the blockchain and digital asset space.

The Newest Additions to the Start Path Program

The latest edition of the Start Path Blockchain and Digital Assets program welcomes five new startups:

  • Kulipa (France)- Specializes in issuing next-generation crypto payment cards for digital wallets, promoting wider crypto adoption.
  • Parfin (UK)- Develops software solutions that bridge the gap between traditional finance and DeFi, enabling financial institutions to leverage blockchain technology.
  • peaq (Singapore)- Provides permission less, borderless digital infrastructure for real-world applications, connecting the Internet of Things (IoT) with traditional finance.
  • Triangle (USA)- Operates a data platform that combines climate data with financial information, promoting sustainability in financial decision-making.
  • Venly (Belgium)- Simplifies blockchain integration for developers and businesses, thereby accelerating mainstream adoption of this technology.

These startups represent a diverse range of applications within the blockchain and digital asset ecosystem. Their participation in the program indicates MasterCard’s interest in exploring various aspects of this technology, from crypto payments and DeFi integration to sustainable finance and developer tools.

MasterCard’s Broader Blockchain Strategy

The Start Path program is just one piece of MasterCard’s broader blockchain strategy. Here are some additional initiatives they have undertaken:

  • Partnership with MoonPay– MasterCard partnered with MoonPay in October 2023 to explore how Web3 technologies can enhance customer experiences and loyalty programs.
  • DeFi credit card development– MasterCard Lab teamed up with Kima, an Israeli fintech firm to develop a DeFi credit card, possibly merging DeFi protocols with traditional credit lines.
  • Collaboration for banking settlements- MasterCard worked together with major US banks like Visa, Citigroup, and JP Morgan to test distributed ledgers technology (blockchain) for bank settlements using tokenization.

These efforts reflect Mastercard’s proactive approach toward blockchain technology and its potential applications within the payments landscape.

Final Thoughts

MasterCard’s focus on blockchain and digital assets is evident through its Start Path program and various other initiatives. By collaborating with innovative startups and exploring diverse use cases, MasterCard is in a strong position to play a leading role in shaping the future of payments in a blockchain-powered world. As the technology matures and regulations evolve, we can expect to see even more groundbreaking developments emerge from MasterCard and its partners in the years to come.

Joas Buysse

Joas is a seasoned investor and fintech expert from Bassecourt, Jura, Switzerland. She also works as an administration executive at Stock B. Joas has been working with SB news since 2 years to educate its readers about NFT, Cryptocurrency and Fintech tips.

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